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Watershed Management Plan Grant
The health of the Agua Hedionda Watershed is subject to many stressors that can best be addressed through a comprehensive and strategically focused Watershed Management Plan (WMP). Recognizing this, the City of Vista applied for and has received a grant to develop an Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan (AH WMP). This $500,000 grant is funded by the State Water Resources Control Board under the 2005-2006 Consolidated Grants - Proposition 40 Integrated Watershed Management Program (IWMP). The AH WMP provides an exceptional opportunity through collaboration between municipalities, regulators, various public agencies, university representatives and environmental organizations to outline the necessary steps to protect and enhance the Agua Hedionda Watershed. The project was completed in August of 2008. Click here to view the final Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan.
The scope of work of the AH WMP includes:
Stakeholder Coordination - The City contracted a Watershed Coordinator who assembled two stakeholder groups, a Watershed Planning Group (WPG) and a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The WPG has met eleven times and is comprised non-governmental organizations, citizens, regulatory agencies, municipalities, and education and research institutes. The WPG was tasked with providing consensus-based recommendations on watershed plan objectives and elements based on information from technical teams. Meeting summaries and materials.. The TAC includes multidisciplinary technical experts from local jurisdictions (project partners) and will be responsible for ensuring the technical accuracy of the watershed plan and its development.
- Watershed Management Plan - The WMP was developed by Tetra Tech, a consulting engineering company, with input from the various stakeholders to address issues in the watershed related to water quality, water supply, habitat and biological resources and community resources. Specifically the consultantl:
- Identified WMP objectives.
- Developed draft work plan.
- Determined a draft framework and structure for the WMP.
- Developed existing conditions report.
- Gathered information and hold public meetings.
- Developed lists of watershed issues and associated actions to address issues.
- Established a monitoring plan to assess changes in the watershed.
- Developed draft WMP for review by WPG.
- Developed draft WMP for public review and comment.
- Revised WMP as needed to address comments.
- The WMP identified the primary stressors for the watershed and develop a plan for restoring watershed health. The WMP should focus on an implementation strategy that considers all Federal, State and local regulations and constraints. It is project specific and include realistic project expectations, from funding options to maintenance plans. Conceptual designs for projects are expected and includes actual project siting, a plan for regulatory approval and permitting plans, conceptual layout, preliminary cost estimates, maintenance requirements, monitoring for project effectiveness assessment. The final WMP includes a prioritized project list and suggested implementation schedule. Prrojects will range from small best management practices to regional facilities.
- Compilation and Analysis of Existing Water Quality Data - Existing datasets were compiled for the watershed including chemical, physical and biological water quality monitoring data. The data documents water quality issues, trends and identify data gaps and recommendations for future monitoring.
- Watershed Hydrologic Model - A sediment-tracking hydrologic model and summary report was developed that identifies problematic areas and includes predictive conditions for erosion sediment transport and sediment deposition. Model report evaluate multiple peak flow scenarios to determine stream erodibility, sedimentation characteristics and specifics areas in need of erosion protection and other Best Management Practices.
- Potential Land Acquisition and Restoration opportunities - A conceptual acquisition and restoration opportunity report was developed including a prioritized list of potential land acquisition and restoration areas, summary of constraints and cost estimates that can be used to pursue funding opportunities for available parcels.
- Bioengineering Projects - A bioengineering management and implementation plan was prepared which includes data, results and recommendations from the watershed hydrologic model and identifies areas in the watershed creeks where high flow is causing erosion and accretion of sediments.
Watershed Management Plan | FAQ's About the WMP | Executive Summary | Technical Reports and Appendices | Meeting Agendas and Presentation | Small Changes Brochure